Saturday, December 12, 2009

DAzzLing DecembEr!!'s DecemBer's mark the End of the Year of 2009! LetS welCome 2010!! hehehe.So many Events occurs during this dazzling DecEmbEr....yay!! FirstLy wanna Wish Happy BirthDAy to My Dearie Sister, Hidayah on the 5th of DeceMber...Sweet 16th Dear..muahx.

The times that i've been waiting for..not me alone, but i think my whole family waits for this time, our beloved mom come back@ arrive from Jeddah at 6th December! after a month and a half performing Haj.....really can't wait for this moment.even if we had to sleepover at KLIA if the flight delay...we Will.....
n again we reached there at about 10 am, bcause her flight scheduled to be arrived at KLIA at 8.40pm..I go there wif my bro, sis n also our niece, Risya...but.......The Flight DElayed! ARggghh..all flight from JEddah has been delayed to 2am....about 3 more hours to go!feeling a bit hungry, we grab a bunch at Burger KIng there and finally we've make decision to go back home although the journey from PJ to KLIa takes about an hour.but im very damn sleepy..since morning i've been to Bidor, Perak, attending cousins i didn't have a good we finally come back home n decided to go there at about 230 am...yeay!! dpt gak aku tdo sejam dua nie.After we reached home, WE received phone calls from tabung Haji telling us that our beloved mom akn tiba di KLIA at 2.20 am..dh agak kunci jam siap2....At 3.30 am we reached kali ni ank buah x ikut.dia tdo..hehe....Subhanallah, punyala byk kereta n berduyun2 org tgh menunggu..klu mcm nie nk cr mama mcamane ek? we Wait in patieNt for our mom..dalam hati berdoa mtk2 mama nmpk ktorg, xkn nk jerit pggl name lak kan..suddenly abg ckp mama ada kt sini....i Rushed there wif my sis, hugging n kissing our beloved mom..yela sebulan lbh x jumpe.....syukur mom arrived home safely n everything's goes well...nsib baik the next day 7/12/09 aku x keje..mmg amik cuti siap2..hehe coz nk spent time wif my mom!! yeehaaaa!!!